GCC #001: Black in Iowa. Ways to get the show: subscribe to my feed or copy the following and paste into iTunes under "Advanced >> Subscribe to Podcast" http://feeds.feedburner.com/goodCRIMETHINKcast

download the mp3 file

Main items:

  • I take part in First Amendment Day at Iowa State University in Ames, IA during Veisha 2007

  • Professor Barbara Mack explains Iowa's In Re Ralph Supreme Court ruling on the definition of freed slaves

  • Students argue over the legalization of marijuana at the Soap Box Debates on Central Campus

  • I perform a 15 minute standup set for 2,000 raving lunatics / students

  • LENGTH = 29:19

This is the first podcast fully under the new name and feed. It may take a while for it to show up in iTunes.

Audio (preferred) or text feedback to goodCRIMETHINKcast@gmail.com, online at goodcrimethink.com, or voicemail at +1-254-247-3228. Or you can comment on this blog post.

Audio recording via my crappy Plantronics headset and field recordings with an M-Audio Microtrack 24/96. Production with Apple's Garageband and a little bit of Audacity.

Intro theme music is "Diplo Rhythm" by Diplo, who graciously gave me permission to use the track as my theme song. Grab the track on iTunes.

Hosting provided by box.net until i find something better.
