How To Citizen — Baratunde

How To Citizen with Baratunde reimagines the word “citizen” as a verb and reminds us how to wield our collective power. So many of us want to do more in response to the problems we hear about constantly, but where and how to participate can leave us feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Voting, while critically important, simply isn’t enough. It takes more to make this experiment in self-governance work. Listen in to one of Apple’s favorite podcasts of 2020. Learn new perspectives and practices from people working to improve society for the many. Join writer, activist, and comedian Baratunde Thurston on a journey beyond politics as usual that will leave us all more hopeful, connected, and moved to act.

Check out episodes below, and don’t forget to subscribe.

Check out Baratunde’s six-part podcast mini-series, We’re Having A Moment, that explains and builds on the 2020 moment of pandemic and revolution.

Check out Baratunde’s six-part podcast mini-series, We’re Having A Moment, that explains and builds on the 2020 moment of pandemic and revolution.

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Like Baratunde’s work? Help support media that informs, entertains, and moves. Plus get access to stuff.