Baratunde is a seasoned public speaker and host who can make challenging topics — such as race, technology, and democracy — accessible to almost any audience. He has written and advocated for justice in our streets and in the technology code that increasingly defines our lives. He is as honest about our challenges as he is committed to making progress. He has addressed rallies, executive meetings, conferences, and middle school students and brings insight, humor, and humanity to every stage. Whether in person or in Zoom, he connects with the audience and makes sure they feel seen.
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Baratunde has worked with a wide variety of clients as a keynote speaker and host for galas, fundraisers, conferences, and more. Here is a small sample:
Let’s Deconstruct Racism and Write A Better Future for Us All
As we discuss America’s racial reckoning alongside issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, we shouldn't just think in terms of quotas or grievances. Instead, we should think about stories — the ones we tell ourselves about “us” and the ones we tell ourselves about “them.” Baratunde sees an opportunity to tell a story of “we” instead. This talk is inspired by his TED talk, but goes much further, offering a State of the Union from Baratunde’s perspective and prescriptions for a better future. Through his own story, examples from the real world, and the strategic integration of humor, Baratunde invites audiences to build businesses, organizations, and societies that recognize the value of us all.
What If We Build a Future That Doesn’t Look Like Black Mirror?
Baratunde has been online since the early 1990s. He’s hacked into networks, consulted for major telecoms, helped build comedic digital media brands, and once unfriended everyone on Facebook just to see what it felt like (amazing!). For much of his life, technology has made things better, but it’s also come at a cost: mass surveillance, data recklessness, an over-abundance of advertising, and the realization that too few of us have a say in how these tools get rolled out to the public. In this talk, Baratunde shares principles for designing a better technological future that won’t have you wanting to destroy your cell phone.
Baratunde’s new podcast, How To Citizen with Baratunde, reimagines “citizen” as a verb and reminds us how to wield our collective power
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