I received the following email from Anil on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 04:09 (am). He wrote it at the end of his sixth full day in Haiti. I've made minor spelling and grammar corrections and have tried my best to fill in missing words using bra...
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I received the following email from Anil on Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 03:48 (am). He wrote it at the end of his sixth full day in Haiti. I've made minor spelling and grammar corrections and have tried my best to fill in missing words. I've add...
Each generation has its history-changing, world-altering moment. Over the past decade, my generation has been faced with some pretty heavy moments. September 11th. Hurricane Katrina. The Tsunami. And now, Haiti. If actions define who we are as ind...
For the first time, we have pictures! Anil sent the following images at approximately midnight, as in 12:05am ET/Haiti Time These images are also available as a large slideshow on Flickr. Rounding with Bob and JenAs in Robert aka Bob Norris, chief...
CQ reports that Angela McGlowan, a Fox News contributor and author of “BAMBOOZLED: How Americans Are Being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda,” is going to enter the race for the House seat currently held by Rep. Travis Childers (D-Miss.)...
CONCORD, N.C. -- NASCAR plans to relax some rules this season and encourage drivers to be more aggressive and show more emotion.NASCAR chairman Brian France says the goal is to "open it up" as an answer to criticism that the sport has grown stale....
First, a brief update on this project and it's affect on those reading it and on Anil. Yesterday, I saw the following comment posted about this series: These posts from Anil have been the most compelling reports from Haiti that I've read or heard ...
The point is not that President Obama should have given a Ciceronian speech, but that when examined by the extreme limits of tweeting, the supposed enemy of writing, Cicero shows us that the art and power of prose lies not so much in the words but...
via youtube.com And now I see why China will take over the world. At least I'll be able to understand my new overlords without learning their language. This was perfectly clear. Just make cool animations directing Americans where to report for fac...