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Mayor Thurston


A Message From Foursquare Mayor Of The Year, @Baratunde at @DeliNYC

This week, I was honored to receive a Shorty Award for "Foursquare Mayor Of The Year" due to my inspired campaign, along with Jennifer Magnolfi, for mayor of Delicatessen. It was presented by Foursquare co-founder Dennis Crowley, and you can see my acceptance speech here: 

The stiff competition included Big Boi, an American astronaut and the mayors of Momofoku and Shake Shack.

Please see this video message I recorded yesterday:

I also did an interview with Mashable right after the awards event, and for the most complete story behind the campaign, see my Web 2.0 keynote called "This Is How You Mayor."

What Jennifer and I did was essentially convert a Foursquare mayoral campaign into a real political contest, complete with blogging, rallies and endorsements. What we were trying to do was experiment with this new platform for the purposes of building community, supporting the great employees (and food) at Delicatessen, and acting the fool and having fun.

We succeeded on all counts. I'd like to thank those who nominated me for the award as well as those who supported my campaign with their time, their ideas and their money. In no particular order


  • Campain manager Zane Latta, who brought his experience as mayor of Madiba in Brooklyn to bear on my campaign
  • Communications manager Karla Ovalle
  • Counselor and lifetime friend Mikhia Hawkins
  • Communications director Michael Galpert and the team at Apiary who donated this amazing art which we were able to use in campaign fundraisers via t-shirt sales
  • My friend Ming-Tai who helped instigate the contest with Jennifer on Day Zero
  • Former Delicatessen Mayor Ron Williams, who introduced me to the venue in October 2009
  • The staff and management of Delicatessen. Go there, and order a "Whiskey Thurston" from the bartender. You'll love it.
  • Jennifer Magnolfi! Troublemaker and great friend.
  • Newark Mayor Cory Booker, who's the true "mayor of the year" in my book. His advocacy for his city, inspirational tone and hands-on approach to problem has inspired my own urban snow storm adventures.
  • Foursquare and its employees, for building a platform upon which creative and engaged people can build and connect.

