cross-posted to Jack & Jill Politics
This past week, Obama has faced increasing pressure and media coverage around his stances on "black issues." Recall the following:
- His black hecklers in Florida
- Coverage of his stance on reparations
- and affirmative action
- What do you have to say to the white Senator whose job you took thanks to affirmative action and reverse racism?
- Do you know what a re-up is?
- Many black people believe whites are blue-eyed devils. I'll take your silence as agreement.
- Please complete the following popular music lyrics: "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. we don't need no water, let the ______ ______"
- Have you ever looked at a white woman?
- The year is 1983. Prince or Michael Jackson?
- Was justice served in the R. Kelly verdict?
- Have you ever urinated on a teenage girl and video taped it?
- Where is the tape, Senator?
- Senator? The tape.
- Several prominent African-American leaders are on the record opposing Lunchables. Do you support that position?
- Can you please share the exact date on which you'll initiate the program of White Slavery? I think the American People deserve to know.
- Hip Hop artist Nas recently referred to your former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, as a "great f--king coon." How strongly do you agree with this statement?
- When was the last time you had sex with Lil Kim?
- Self-described community activist and liberation scholar Baba Chaka Jawanza Afrika has called for the elimination of the white race and the appointment of a black caliphate to govern Earth. Will you return his $7.43 campaign donation and reject and denounce him in person?
- Jovaunte Stephens of Atlanta, GA is scheduled for a probation hearing tomorrow. He insists he didn't do shit wrong. Did he?
- How come black people can't swim?
- Considering your biracial background, is it safe to assume you have an above average length penis for a white man, but a below average length penis for a black man?
- Where is Tupac? Seriously.