For the past four weekends, I have been doing gigs everywhere but home: New York, DC, Iowa/Chicago and NYC/New Jersey. My plants are filing a wrongful neglect lawsuit against me, and black folks in Boston think I just moved in.

All that changes this weekend because I'm home.

I'll be performing tonight (Fri) and tomorrow at


The Comedy Studio

1238 Mass Ave (3rd floor of the Kong)


showtime at 8pm both nights. reserve tix

I'm writing a feature length article for the Weekly Dig


Subject: Why Do Black People Leave Boston?

Most of my black friends are amazed that I still live here, eight years after graduating college. Many think I'm the only black person in town. Others fear the racism. If you have thoughts on why black people don't seem to consider Boston a place worth settling, hit me up with thoughts or let's set up an interview. If you think the premise is just wrong, let me know that too.

I've spoken with black business owners, lawyers, college students and more. I'm looking for as many perspectives as possible and want this article to be tight. If there's someone I need to get at, please tell me now.

Email me: baratunde @ baratunde . com

Call: 646-633-4206

Or just reply to this message.

In other news


Looking for book recommendations, check out my custom Amazon Store

Photo of Jerry Bruckheimer's real plan for The Transformers

An explanation of why I use the new web service, Twitter

Why I can't stand George Tenet, and what I learned at Princeton

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.


comedian, author & vigilante pundit

a/k/a "baratunde" on myspace, facebook, skype, twitter and more

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