Hot phonebank action needed to save Kennedy's senate seat
Fellow new yorkers and others who want healthcare reform and other
decent things to happen,
NYC, AT A MINIMUM tell those you know in Massachusetts to vote for
Coakley Jan 19 Democrat Martha Coakley is running in the Jan 19 special election for
Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat, and the polls are showing
mixed results. Coakley's opponent Scott Brown is portraying his
election as the Republicans' last hope to defeat the healthcare bill,
which could boost turnout in this special election among anti-reform
voters. Teapartyers are coming out to support him. A victory for Brown
would be a disaster for Democrats. Please come if you can
- OFA HQ (Park Ave, S.) on Wednesday the 13th
- GRAMERCY on Thursday the 14th
- TRIBECA on Friday the 15th
- HELL'S KITCHEN on Saturday the 16th