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I'm co-hosting a Brooklyn fundraiser for New Orleans mayoral candidate James Perry

If you are anywhere near Brooklyn on Monday, you should get yourself to this event I’m co-hosting. If you know people who will be anywhere near Brooklyn, please tell them to attend and bring a little extra money. Either way, please donate what you can right now.

Baratunde Thurston, Elon James White, Julia Chance, Patricia Spears Jones, and Siddhartha Mitter invite you to meet James Perry, the progressive candidate for Mayor of New Orleans, at a reception in Brooklyn with special guest Melissa Harris-Lacewell.

Please click through the link below the quote for the full post. I'm co-hosting a fundraiser for James Perry. He's an incredible dude who I had the pleasure of meeting in Pittsburgh at Netroots Nation.

I know New Orleans isn't getting a lot of national media attention lately, but it still exists! And the city could use some new, accountable, inspired leadership. James brings all that and more. Please come to the event if you'll be in NYC, but even if not, check out, and give a small donation.


Posted via web from baratunde's posterous