Romney to Run Against France

Image via Flickr. Originally from The Boston Globe. Click for more info.

Today the Boston Globe reported on an internal strategy memo leaked by former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign. It sounds pretty interesting, but I don't want to get into all that. Just two things.

First, I just found the closing lines of the article are incredible:
Like every Republican in the race, Romney faces the delicate task of how to talk about President Bush, whom the country gives low job-approval ratings .

But the plan lists two ways Romney can set himself apart from Bush. The first says, simply, "Intelligence."

That's messed up. Your own party is calling you a dumbass. Still, how much you wanna bet that the second point listed is also "intelligence"?

Second, look at that image of the slide above. This dude is running against France? Really?? Are you serious?? I stay pretty informed on political things, and I know there are a lot of folks in the campaign, but I had no idea France was running for US president. In their favor, they could have the best slogan ever.

Vote Freedom for President.